ha! Since my dental trauma of a few years ago, I've been on a similar path. BTW, when the hygenist does, at last, acknowledge you as a 'flosser', the heavens open, an ephemeral light descends, anoints your noggin and devotion to the nightly ritual becomes a tad easier.

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You give me hope AND restore my faith. Thank you, Susan

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Love my dentist too...I think its the same one. I cracked one tooth "back there" and burst out crying - I think it was the recognition of the beginning of the end...at least that's what I made it mean. By the way, I floss (she says self righteously). :)

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The indignities, they’re endless. I can barely enjoy my kettle cooked chips without fear of ending up toothless.

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Hahaha. I don't floss like I used to. Probably because I have fewer teeth than I used to. Never got around to replacing (bridging, implanting) those two (upper left, lower right) that cracked or otherwise wore themselves out. Like I never got around to saving for retirement. Or compiling those photo albums. But I'm delighted by the dedication of this ditty!

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If it’s any consolation what you DO have is great.

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