You have overwhelmed my heart with your thoughts and breathtaking cleverness. Treasured memories, Cindy of when our kids were still young……..And look at them now. Thank you for this special gift.

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Dear Cindy, If word archery were an Olympic event and hitting the bullseye was melting the heart at its core and opening it to the rawness and ungraspability of life then you'd be wearing the gold medal. I am deeply grateful for your sharing and the tears it brings. Sending my love. Michael

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You know the way to my heart, OLYMPICS ANALOGIES!!!

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As my Dad's Minister said as Dad lay lying in his hospital bed in his last hours, "Well, this sucks." That's the kind of succinctness they teach at theology school I guess. I cannot express so well. I'm so so so sorry to hear this. I know you are entering this with all the wisdom that life, Buddhism and motherhood offers and that matters profoundly. Please know if you want even more conversations over wine about the Royal Family and other relevant topics, I'll come running. I'm still Team Harry. And I'd love to learn how to smoke; at my age it won't matter and it always smelled so good to me. I also was looking forward to your book!! Can you share the manuscript more widely at some point? Anyway, take good care no matter what. I'm in your fan base. xoxo

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I've never planted asters before. This year. I bought six little transplants from a little girl selling a few things from her mother's garden, from a little table on the sidewalk around the corner from my place. I bought a pack of six.

The Japanese Beetles devouring my garden don't like them. They stand up there, blooming and unlikely and gorgeous in a "yes, I'm here and it's all good" sort of way. I will greet you in those unlikely asters each day now. Thank you for the kindness or sharing all this.

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Dear Cindy, I am following your illness from afar through your words that carry so much levity. I love your style, it is a fresh perspective, it’s a page turner. I would read your manuscript, if I got my hands in it.

Let me know if you want me to be more than a Fleeting reader. I could sit by your bedside, cook for you, take you to appointments, but I don’t want to impose, as we don’t know each other that well. So let me know if it would feel comfortable.

My view of life in this mortal shell is similar than yours. We don’t know when we are called to leave our bodies behind, and I believe that from the perspective of being dead being dead is not a terrible thing.

Last time I saw you, we walked up what was then still Cornwallis St together in the winter at night from Debra’s place. We talked about your place and Jules’ place.

I wish you courage and continued levity as you walk through this difficult cancer journey.

I will be there with you if you want me.

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What keeps congealing for me is, Love has no bounds. Not now, not later. Thanks for your soft and brave reminder.

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No words, just love....

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I admire your spirit

It brought me to tears and a deep appreciation of a life well lived

Let’s drink some wine and maybe even smoke a few of those cigarettes

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Cindy — I speak for many when I say your work life has certainly been objectively intrinsically meaningful to me. I will forever be grateful for your multitude of impactful HR roles over the years as my friend, career and life consultant, style icon, sharer of Luc, mother and in-law of friends, purveyor of the dollar chips, Costco navigator, street finds storyteller, crisis counsellor, catering co-conspirator, and perhaps most importantly — magician’s assistant. You’ve been the magic all along and we're sending you all of ours.

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Lilly, I’m honoured. Thank you.

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Dear Cindy: I'm thinking of our coffee-shop conversation where you wondered if it was the right time to make time for your book. I'm so glad that writing it has been its own gift. I didn't know you were ill, and am so sorry you are facing this. Thank you for this beautiful piece of writing. It is--like much of your work--both heartbreaking and heart-mending. Thinking of you with care and affection.

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A seminal coffee for sure. Thanks, Kim.

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Hey babe, never the cog, always the wheel to me.

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I don't think I've known anyone who handles adversity as capably as you. I recall you telling me about losing four of your siblings, and I know you've borne more than your share as single parent. Thank you for sharing this beautiful, poignant essay showing how you've chosen to meet life's curve balls. It's a great teaching for all of us. Please lean on us if you can. ❤️

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Happy to lean, Tynette. Thank you for the offer.

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